GT2-Gable TrimZT2-Z Trim-commonly used to secure RC2WV2- W Valley TF2- Transition Flashing- Pitch neededSW2-Sidewall RC2-Ridge Cap-Pitch neededOS2-Offset Cleat-commonly paired with WV2JT2-J TrimHE2-High EaveGT4-Gable TrimGS1-G Style DripedgeGR2-Gable Receiver-commonly paired with GT4EW2-Endwall Flashing- Pitch neededDE1-D Style Dripedge-Pitch neededBT2-Base Trim
Tuff Rib Trim Profile
Wall Transition-WT1W Valley-WV1Transition-TF10.5″ F Channel-FC10.75″ F Channel-FC2Angle Base Trim-BT2Base Trim-BT1D-Style Dripedge-DE1Eave Trim-ET1Endwall-EW10.5″ x 0.5″ F & J Channel0.75″ x 0.5″ F & J ChannelFascia-FA1Gable Trim-GT1Garage Door Jamb Trim-DW1Head Trim-HT1High Eave-HE1Hip Cap-HC1Inside Corner-IC1J Trim-JT1Outside Corner-OC1Ridge Cap-RC1Sidewall-SW1Snowbrake-SB1